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Holistic Witchery - 5i Expansion Spiral
Orientation (Welcome!)
Welcome! (2:08)
Get to the Community and Updates!
Program Notices (the mandatory things we have to tell you)
Optional - Student Enrollment Form
Getting to the Weekly Events!
In the Meantime...
Customer and Student Support (Meet the Team!)
How to Navigate the Community
Printing the Program Materials
🎥 REPLAYS - Orientation Week Live Call Replays
🎧 Program Audio Feed
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - Making Time for the Course (and anything else in life)
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - Learning Styles Guide
💥 Expansion Archetype Quiz
🌀 5i Expansion Card Spread
Still Have Questions?
Introduction (the Spiral)
Welcome to Introduction Week!
Future Self Visualizations (11:55)
🎥 REPLAYS - Introduction Week Live Call Replays
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - 5i Templates
Intention (Dancing with the Moon)
Welcome to Intention Week!
Intention- Waxing Moon
Intention- Waning Moon
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - Moon Centers Class for Embodiment (93:48)
🎥Replays- Intention/Moon Week Live Call Replays
Integration (Enchant Your Energy)
Welcome to Integration Week!
Integration - Intro to Energy Centers
Integration - Root Energy Center
Integration - Sacral Energy Center
Integration - Solar Plexus Energy Center
Integration - Heart Energy Center
Integration - Throat Energy Center
Integration - Third Eye Energy Center
Integration - Crown Energy Center
Integration - Auras
Integration - Energy Centers & Kids
Integration - Energy Centers Extras
Integration - Conclusion
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - EJ's Embodiment and Movement Resources (467:16)
🎥Replays- Integration/Energy Centers Week Live Call Replays
Insight (Shadow Work)
Welcome to Insight Week!
Insight Introduction to Shadow Work
Insight - Preparing for Shadow Work
Insight - Doing Shadow Work
Insight - Expansion Archetypes
Insight - Astro and Tarot
Insight Conclusion
🎥Replays- Insight/Shadow Work Week Live Call Replays
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - Energy Protection
Ideation (Everyday Magic)
Welcome to Ideation Week!
Ideation - Introduction
Ideation - Circles
Ideation - Ritual
Ideation - Sacred Space
Ideation - Elevate
Ideation - Conclusion
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - Vision Coaching w/ Pati
🎥Replays- Ideation/Everyday Magic Week Live Call Replays (67:43)
Intuition (Divination)
Welcome to Intuition Week!
Intuition - Introduction & Ethereal vs. Embodiment
Intuition - The Tools & Tarot Basics
Intuition - The Tools; Tarot & You
Intuition - The Tools; Runes & Casting
Intuition - Energy Grids
Intuition - Conclusion
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - Mediumship Magic
🔥Success Bonus- How to Read Lenormand 🔥
🎥Replays- Intuition/Divination Week Live Call Replays (131:59)
Conclusion (You've Been Spiraled!)
Conclusion Chat and Slides
Graduation Celebration 11/24/24
💥 SUCCESS BONUS - 5i Coloring Cheat Sheet
Bonus- Moon Phase Meditations
New Moon Meditation
Waxing Crescent Meditation (9:42)
First Quarter Moon Meditation (8:52)
Waxing Gibbous Meditation
Full Moon Meditation (9:21)
Disseminating Moon Meditation (8:35)
Third Quarter Moon Meditation (8:49)
Balsamic Moon Meditation (8:49)
âš¡ Whats Next? âš¡
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Power Planning Sessions 💪🔥
Power Time Audit
Power Daily Planning
Power Study Tips
Creating a Powerful Sacred Space
BONUS - Magical Learning Styles
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